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The Provincial Digital Library project will demo at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries!


Earlier this year, we were able to get funding for a Digital Library Developer position to work on the Provincial Digital Library collaboration with the British Columbia Libraries Association. Our amazing DLD, Matt Barry, has been working with Dan Sifton of Vancouver Island University, on a proof-of-concept using Supplejack to ingest heritage content from a variety of institutions and platforms.

At the end of June, Matt and Dan will be presenting a live demonstration of their work at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in Toronto. Here’s what they’ll be showing off:

At our current state of development in April 2017, we have an operational cloud-based instance of Supplejack running, which has ingested metadata from several organizations in both Ontario and British Columbia. We’ve also created a simple web client (using the Ember.js JavaScript framework) to provide a user-friendly means of interacting with Supplejack’s API. Our live demonstration will showcase the capabilities of the Supplejack platform. This demonstration will include a high-level walkthrough of the Supplejack Manager interface, showing the methods by which Supplejack ingests and parses metadata to conform to a single, unified record schema, and how this data is then made available through a web API. We will also demonstrate how this API can be utilized with our web client by performing text searches, facet filtering, and geographic bounding box searches on data we’ve already ingested in a simple, user-friendly interface.


The short paper describing their project is available to read (PDF).


If you’ll be attending the conference, be sure to say hello and see what they’ve built!

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